Palm Oil Moratorium: If Effective, Continue

The government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is still evaluating the moratorium on the issuance of oil palm plantation permits.
The moratorium policy on the issuance of palm oil plantation permits is contained in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 8 of 2018 concerning Suspension and Evaluation of Oil Palm Plantation Permits. The objective of the moratorium is to improve the governance of forest resources and increase the productivity of sustainable oil palm plantations. The regulation is valid until September 2021. "Regarding the moratorium, if it is effective, we will continue it," said Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry, Alue Dohong. According to him, the area of ​​​​oil palm is now fairly large so that what is most needed is to increase its productivity. This is also in line with government policies which emphasize intensification rather than extensification. "So it is actually relevant that the moratorium should be continued in order to achieve a net sink by 2030," said Alue Dohong. It should be noted that the net sink is the absorption of forest emissions that is more than the emissions released. Indonesia has made a road map so that the target is achieved by 2030. "That target must be pursued and continued," said Alue Dohong.


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2 komentar:

  1. Thank you for sharing this insightful perspective on the Palm Oil Moratorium. It’s great to see efforts aimed at sustainability and environmental preservation. Website url:

  2. Thanks for supporting sustainable growth! Let's continue protecting our environment through effective palm oil policies. Website url:
